
Extend validation of an organisation id on all org admin endpoints

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Depends on issue #9

Success flows

Given an organisation with identifier X
When an authenticated administrator from that organisation creates an animal
Then the animal gets created linked to that organisation
And the administrator gets a 201 Created Response back

Given an animal from organisation X
When an authenticated administrator from that organisation attempts to create characteristics for animal
Then the characteristics get created
And the administrator gets a 201 Created Response back

Given an animal from organisation X
When an authenticated administrator from that organisation attempts to create a primary picture for animal
Then the primary picture gets created
And the administrator gets a 201 Created Response back

Given an animal from organisation X
When an authenticated administrator from that organisation attempts to create a story for animal
Then the story gets created
And the administrator gets a 201 Created Response back

Error flows

Given an animal from organisation X
When an authenticated administrator from organisation Y attempts to create characteristics for animal
Then the administrator gets a 403 Forbidden Response back

Given an animal from organisation X
When an authenticated administrator from organisation Y attempts to create a primary picture for animal
Then the administrator gets a 403 Forbidden Response back

Given an animal from organisation X
When an authenticated administrator from organisation Y attempts to create a story for animal
Then the administrator gets a 403 Forbidden Response back