
how to add versioning in api

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello, I'm new to Resgate and quite a while with Golang.
Is it possible to define api with version?
For example:
/api/v1.0/profile => will be handled by service "profile_v1", and
/api/v2.0/profile => will be handled by service "profile_v2"?

If it is, may be an example in Golang?


Great question! I have no example for it, but it is rather simple.

Are you using the go-res package for Go?
If so, then you can just add the v1 (or v2) as a prefix to the service name:

package main

import res ""

func main() {
	s := res.NewService("v1.profile")
		res.GetModel(func(r res.ModelRequest) {
				"message": "Hello, World!",

And access it with HTTP:

GET /api/v1/profile/model

Though, because dot (.) is used as separator in resource IDs, you will currently not be able to do /v1.0/ (it would become /v1/0/). Instead you can do /v1/ or perhaps /v1_0/.

PS. Currently I am trying to redirect help questions to , so if you have more questions, please post them there :). Then I'll use GitHub more for issues and bug reports.

Thank you for fast response. Yes! that's what I need /v1_0/ is enough for me.