
Data value

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Allow values of arbitrary JSON.

Instead of implementing a completely new static resource type, a less obstructive/complex solution to allow arbitrary data would be to add a data value (similar to the resource reference value):

A data value would be an json object with a single property named "data". The value of the data property can be any valid JSON value, including deeply nested structures.


{ "data": { "foo": [ "bar" ] }}


  • All primitive values can also be expressed as data values: Eg. the value "foo" is identical to {"data":"foo"}, and should be interchangeable.
  • On resynchronization, Resgate will consider two data values to be equal only if their byte sequences are equal. This means that {"foo":1,"bar":2"} and {"bar":2,"foo":1} are not seen as equal, and will generate events, even if they are actual equal JSON values. This is to simplify comparison.
  • Above mentioned equal comparison might be updated later, and should not be part of the protocol.
  • Data values are added/removed/changed as a whole unit, and there is no way to express partial mutations within a data value.
  • Resgate will, towards the client, replace data values that can be expressed as primitive values, with the primivite representation. Eg. { "data": null" } will be sent as simply null.

Resolved in #166