
webpack 4 compatibility

Opened this issue · 1 comments

With the environment

$ npm ls --depth 0 webpack reshape-loader
├── reshape-loader@1.1.0 
└── webpack@4.2.0

webpack -d outputs the error

Module build failed: TypeError: this._compiler.applyPlugins is not a function
    at Object.module.exports (/home/luism/project/journal/node_modules/reshape-loader/lib/index.js:26:18)

Looking at

I gather this may have something to do with method applyPlugins deprecation.
Any plans to support webpack 4?

Steps to Reproduce

git clone
cd loader/
npm install -D webpack@latest
npm install
npm test

The first test fails with the same error.


  Rejected promise returned by test. Reason:

    err: [
      ModuleBuildError {
        dependencies: Array [ … ],
        error: TypeError { … },
        message: `Module build failed: TypeError: this._compiler.applyPlugins is not a function␊
            at Object.module.exports (/home/luism/project/loader/lib/index.js:8:39)`,
        module: NormalModule { … },
        origin: NormalModule { … },
    outputPath: '/home/luism/project/loader/test/fixtures/basic/bundle.js',

Hi there! Reshape-loader is not compatible with webpack 4 at all. Webpack 4 is massively breaking for just about every loader and plugin, it's an incredible amount of work to upgrade deeply integrated loaders like this, webpack still does not have an official migration guide, and I have a ton of work on my plate, so I haven't been able to get to it.

If you are interested in helping out with getting reshape-loader to webpack 4 compatibility, that would be amazing, and I'd be happy to advise best I can.