
Database migration error: missing/ not a dir!

Closed this issue · 4 comments

After some time of trial and error, I proceeded to the second last step of the tutorial. Then, I encountered this problem.
I inputted:
build/Release/watoi /Users/hays/Downloads/msgstore.db ChatStorage.sqlite app/Payload/

2018-11-03 02:34:08.503 watoi[2384:359422] Probing msgstore.db at path: /Users/hays/Downloads/msgstore.db
2018-11-03 02:34:08.503 watoi[2384:359422]     ok.
2018-11-03 02:34:08.503 watoi[2384:359422] Android store loaded
2018-11-03 02:34:08.504 watoi[2384:359422] Probing WhatsAppChat.momd at path: app/Payload/
2018-11-03 02:34:08.504 watoi[2384:359422]     missing/not a dir!

If I change it to:
build/Release/watoi Users/hays/Downloads/msgstore.db ChatStorage.sqlite app/Payload/
Deleted the \ before Users/hays from my previous attempt:

build/Release/watoi /Users/hays/Downloads/msgstore.db ChatStorage.sqlite app/Payload/

Output becomes:

2018-11-03 02:50:27.463 watoi[2433:365847] Probing msgstore.db at path: Users/hays/Downloads/msgstore.db
2018-11-03 02:50:27.463 watoi[2433:365847]     missing/not readable!
Abort trap: 6

Here's a screenshot of my folder structure. For your reference, there is no WhatsAppChat.momd under / folder.

I successfully proceeded by changing the command to:
build/Release/watoi msgstore.db ChatStorage.sqlite app/Payload/
I guess the WhatsappAppChat.momd has changed its location. Like #16
And then everything's fine now. No crashes.

@hayschan thanks for pointing this out! I've updated the documentation accordingly.