
Thanks! How can I buy you a coffee/beer?

chonz0 opened this issue ยท 10 comments

I've used this tool yesterday and was very helpful. Can I buy you a coffee/beer? (PayPal or something alike)

Hi @chonz0! Glad that my tool helped you and thanks for your kind offer. I don't have an active PayPal account, unfortunately. But you can try sending me a gift voucher and I'll buy a sticker for my laptop :)
Email is my username at gmail.

Thank you @residentsummer ; I can't believe this capability is not built into the app. I converted from whatever the current Android version is to 2.18.92 on iOS12 mostly successfully. The most difficult part was getting an unencrypted msgstore.db off my Android phone.

I saw a few of these:
CoreData: warning: Unable to load class named 'WAChatSession' for entity 'WAChatSession'. Class not found, using default NSManagedObject instead. CoreData: warning: Unable to load class named 'WAGroupInfo' for entity 'WAGroupInfo'. Class not found, using default NSManagedObject instead. CoreData: warning: Unable to load class named 'WAGroupMember' for entity 'WAGroupMember'. Class not found, using default NSManagedObject instead.

And a few of these:
2018-10-03 14:40:00.041 watoi[10020:750834] null text detected: { <body omitted>

But all in all it appears that most of my messages made it through alive.

@sTywin - How did you get your msgstore.db decrypted? Did you root your android phone to get the key to decrypt msgstore.db? any reference would be appreciated.

Successfully migrated my messages just now, thanks for providing this tool.

  • Obtained msgstore.db via YuvrajRaghuvanshiS/WhatsApp-Key-Database-Extractor (Failed in first try, but it eventually worked after playing around with its settings)
  • Note: I could suggest others to verify that msgstore.db is fine before installing and verifying WhatsApp on iPhone. To do so, install SQLite Browser and open msgstore.db with it. (Do not modify msgstore or keep an unmodified copy)
  • Then, Installed Whatsapp on iPhone, activated Whatsapp on iPhone.
  • Took a backup via Finder (backups are taken from Finder and not iTunes nowadays)
  • From a random website found through googling, downloaded Whatsapp.ipa matching the version in iPhone
  • Then, went through the steps in Readme.

Also, the new backup I took was named 00008101-001A346914C2001E (taken with Big Sur) a little different unlike previous one c65314de2651deeb83cab271b8c70b598df458f4 (taken with Mojave) but it did not cause any problems.

So, to sum up, it worked fine on April, 2021 with

  • macOS Big Sur 11.2.3,
  • iPhone 12 mini, iOS 14.4.2
  • WhatsApp Messenger version

PS: I am also willing to buy you a coffee but the sticker gift voucher link did not work for me.
PS2: Before the migration and local backup, I've installed an older message backup from iCloud (2019, older than Android) and did the migration on top of that. While it worked successfully (merging them), it prepended the new messages instead of appending. Not a problem, I can still search within the messages but my chat history for those existing in both backups look a little funny. So the message history starts with the older one (2014-2019), and if I scroll high enough so that the older messages finish, I come across old (2019-2021) messages (shows correct date, though)
So it is like 2019-2020-2021-2014-2015-2016-2017-2018-2019-today. Just wanted to share the case, it doesn't bother me.

Hello, just using this thread to report another success. I migrated from an old Galaxy Core phone to an iPhone 8, and watoi worked flawlessly on first attempt. The trickiest part was getting all the prerequisites done:

  • Xcode wouldn't install on macOS Catalina, had to update my VM to Big Sur
  • For the msgstore.db, I gave up on WhatsApp-Key-Database-Extractor because I couldn't get it to work, instead transferred the Whatsapp backup through GDrive to a rooted Xperia phone I had lying around, then copied the msgstore.db file straight from /data/data/com.whatsapp/databases/
  • I got the .ipa file from the "Whatsapp++" alternative app on, as advised by #35. It worked even though it was v2.19 instead of 2.21
  • Small gotcha: to transfer the messages to my rooted phone using GDrive, I had to re-activate Whatsapp on the old phone, then on the rooted one, which deactivated it on the iPhone. I already had the iOS backup, but after the final step of restoring the modified backup, I hit a Whatsapp protection that prevents repeated activations (seems iOS exclusive?), and had to wait 6 hours before trying again.
    So plan ahead and avoid activating Whatsapp several times on your iPhone in the process, you may run into this.


  • Source: Samsung Galaxy Core 4G - Android 4.2.2 - Whatsapp
  • (Intermediary rooted phone) Sony Xperia Z1 Compact - Android 5.1.1 - Whatsapp
  • Target: iPhone 8 - iOS 14.7.1 - Whatsapp
  • Mac: KVM virtual machine (disguised as 2017 iMac Pro) - macOS Big Sur 11.5.1

So thanks a lot for your work, this is really an awesome project and a great alternative to the many proprietary solutions out there. I'm interested in contributing to support media files, but I can't promise I'll have time this year.
(also, the Unixstickers gift link is dead indeed)

Successfully migrated from Android to iOS!! ๐Ÿฅณ
Thanks for your contribution. ๐Ÿ‘ โค๏ธ

Just wanted to mention this tool also for easy prerequisites: ๐Ÿ‘

This worked with slight modifications. Thanks to everyone who are helping fix this walled garden mess :)

@aravindputrevu Do you recall which version of iOS/macOS you were using? I tried it with macOS Monterey 12.2.1 and iOS 15.2.1, but it didn't work. I was able to complete all the steps and restore my phone from the modified backup, but my messages were still missing after signing back into WA.

@marvinchin have you checked archive? There were reports that imported chats sometimes end up there.

@marvinchin I moved to Big Sur, iOS - 15.1. Please try searching in WhatsApp.