
Running issue for missing data from migrations

simonv3 opened this issue · 1 comments

This is an issue for tracking things that look a little odd or off with the current database. Testing against

  • user_group.description and columns look like they should have a lot more data in them. But since these tables are currently just copied over from the user-api table verbatim and the current production app has the same missing data, I think this is because the original migration into the user-api database didn't capture all the descriptions from the rsntr_user_meta table.
  • Old membership information see #66
  • user.display_name is blank for most users, but it should probably feed in the user's user_group if there is a one-to-one link.
  • Don't migrate links that are empty strings
  • Is there anything in place to actually track user group membership of itself? For example, artists being part of labels? As part of this, it kind of looks like a lot of the migrations into the DB that are labeled as "Label" are actually artists. 🤔 #101
  • Why is there still a rsntr_usermeta table? Let's delete it! #15

I couldn't find where bios are stored.