
Dual consent dialog is poor UX

fgblomqvist opened this issue · 1 comments

Operating system


Browser name and version


Expected & Actual behavior

Should be quick and easy to get started using the site, however, we currently have 2 different (and differently themed) consent dialogs that both appear at the same time. It's kind of confusing and not very user-friendly:
Screenshot from 2022-01-23 18-19-39

Instead both of these questions should be asked in a single dialog (probably the white one) with separate toggles or simply just one single set of buttons. Or some other better UX/UI.

Steps to reproduce behavior

Visit the site in incognito.

Found out that we can use offen api instead.

<script src="https://<your-installation-domain>/script.js" data-account-id="<your-account-id>" data-use-api></script>
window.__offen__.acquireConsent(function (err)  {
  if (err) {
    // an error occured acquiring the consent decision
  // a consent decision has been made


Offen is a very interesting project but it's really experimental.