
Examples to use ReSpeaker series Mic Arrays on Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguagePython

ReSpeaker for Raspberry Pi

The repository contains some examples to use ReSpeaker series mic arrays on Raspberry Pi.

The examples are included in the custom image with pre-installed seeed-voicecard, snowboy, voice-engine and etc. You can flash the custom image to get started easily.


ReSpeaker 2 Mic Hat, ReSpeaker 4 Mic Array or ReSpeaker 6 Mic Array (they are all pi hats)


  • snowboy for KWS (Keyword Search / Keyword Spotting)
  • webrtc audio processing for NS (Noise Suppression)
  • speexdsp for AEC (Acoustic Echo Cancellation)
  • GCC-PHAT for DOA (Direction Of Arrial)
  • avs for alexa voice service
  • voice-engine for connecting all the elements together
pip install webrtc-audio-processing speexdsp voice-engine avs

and go to kitt-ai/snowboy to install snowboy.


├── 2mic                               # ReSpeaker 2 Mic Hat
│   └── ns_kws_doa_alexa.py                hands-free alexa with NS, KWS and DOA (0 ~ 180 degree)
├── 4mic                               # ReSpeaker 4 Mic Array
│   ├── kws_doa.py                         KWS and then DOA
│   ├── ns_kws_doa_alexa.py                hands-free alexa with NS, KWS and DOA (0 ~ 360 degree)
│   └── ns_kws_doa.py
├── 6mic                               # ReSpeaker 6 Mic Array
│   ├── aec_ns_kws_doa_alexa.py            hands-free alexa with AEC, NS, KWS and DOA (0 ~ 360 degree)
│   ├── aec_ns_kws_doa.py                  has 2 loopback channels for AEC
│   └── kws_doa.py
├── ns_kws_alexa.py
├── ns_kws.py
└── ns_vs_raw.py                       Compare KWS between raw audio and audio with NS