
how do I use dictionary.txt

stoneWeb opened this issue · 1 comments

I know I can use every line for set hotword. but can I use it to splice hot words?
For example:

xiao	ZH AW
xiaogang	ZH AW G AE NG
xiaoping	ZH AW P IH NG
xiaoping's	ZH AW P IH NG Z
yielding	Y IY L D IH NG
abiding	AH B AY D IH NG
abounding	AH B AW N D IH NG

Can I define it this way?

xiaoding ZH AW D IH NG

I have tried, he seems unable to wake up. why?

Chinese Pinyin is not well trained for the on-board acoustic model, so the sensitivity of Chinese Pinyin is quite low.