
Events should be delivered in order of firing

Closed this issue · 1 comments

zyla commented

We should respect the following property: When an event is fired with value X and then with value Y, each listener will see X first and Y second.

This is currently not the case. Consider the following example:

  it "events are delivered in order of firing" do
    {event,fire} <- liftEffect newEvent
    log <- liftEffect $ newRef []

    _ <- liftEffect $ execCleanupT $ flip subscribeEvent_ event \x ->
      when (x == "first") $
        fire "second"

    _ <- liftEffect $ execCleanupT $ subscribeEvent_ (append log) event

    liftEffect $ fire "first"

    log `shouldHaveValue` ["first", "second"]

This test fails. The logging listener observes the following order: ["second", "first"].
That's due to #10 .

The property is essential for Dynamic to be useful. Consider a Dynamic listener that updates content on screen. In a series of events, the last value received by that listener will stay visible. If this is not the final value, we'll end up displaying stale data!