
Hidden.svelte naming issue

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Error that i get:
Internal server error: Failed to load url ./editors/Hidden.svelte (resolved id: ./editors/Hidden.svelte) in /home/pongki/sveltekit/admin-panel/node_modules/@restspace/svelte-schema-form/SchemaForm.svelte. Does the file exist?

After a while of checking, i found out that the name of the file in the node modules is "HIdden.svelte", the "I" is in uppercase and caused this error.

In the source code, I see that the name of the file is correct. Not sure why after i install the package the name will become wrong

How I install the package:
yarn add @restspace/svelte-schema-form

I just came to say that I found exactly the same error. I think the owner just needs to republish the NPM package as the following file appears to be name correctly.


@mithray How do you fix it for now? using patch method ?

This was resolved by 58cc5e7

Released in @restspace/svelte-schema-form@0.1.6