
Problem with Restyler Job #3056822

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi there-

I'm having a problem with a Restyled Job

What I expected to happen:
Run without errors

What happened instead:
Failed unexpectedly

# .restyled.yaml as it was in the commit for the Job
  - name: prettier
    arguments: ['--config=./.prettierrc', '--ignore-path=./.prettierignore']
      - '**/*.css'
      - '**/*.js'
      - '**/*.json'
      - '**/*.jsx'
      - '**/*.md'
      - '**/*.mdx'
      - '**/*.ts'
      - '**/*.tsx'
      - '**/*.yaml'
      - '**/*.yml'

Hi there, sorry about that! I can see the build errored with,

Cannot find module '@dvcorg/gatsby-theme-iterative/tailwind.config'

You can find more information on this error here.