
asterisk 16 new Stasis Message

vinzens opened this issue · 1 comments

Bug Report

corresponding commit-id: latest

asterisk version: 16

kafka version:
not involved

setup description

Basic Call from Application

failure description

there is a non implemented Stasis Message which is comming from asterisk and which is not implmented. In this case "STASISSTATUS"

expected behaviour description

Should be able to extract recourceID out of all messages

2018-10-09/19:05:59,241/CEST [ERROR] [] ActorSystemImpl - java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to extract resourceId from body={"variable":"STASISSTATUS","value":"SUCCESS","type":"ChannelVarset","timestamp":"2018-10-09T19:05:59.214+0200","channel":{"id":"83374320-dac0-4010-9ad6-c51e30fd93c0","name":"PJSIP/101-00000054","state":"Up","caller":{"name":"Temple Morgan","number":"101"},"connected":{"name":"","number":""},"accountcode":"","dialplan":{"context":"foo","exten":"s","priority":1},"creationtime":"2018-10-09T19:05:52.489+0200","language":"en","channelvars":{"X-AUTHDOMAIN":""}},"asterisk_id":"e4:b3:18:51:7d:4a","application":"application-name"}

just reviewed the issue. it is not an Event it is a variable just comming out like an event. There is no handling for variables at all. So this would more of a Feature Request but a Bug.