
(Serious) problems with a freshly-installed repo version

EmmanuelCharpentier opened this issue · 5 comments

I have a communication problem and a display update problem with a freshly-installed repo version (replacing a hand-installed one).

My motivation was the communication problem (constated with the hand-installed version). The display problem seems new.

Setup :

  • Debian testing
  • LibreOffice as from Debian testing
  • Zotero (6.0.26) installed today (2023-08-17) from the repo added via your script.
  • LibreOffice plugin (6.0.3) reinstalled systemwide (using sudo lowriter to reinstall for all users, using /usr/lib/zotero/extensions/

Symptoms :

  • Communication problem :
    • Zotero opens fine and retirieve my daatabase (local library + 3 shared libraries)
    • I can't open the plugin's Set Zotero preferences : trying tis opens a dialog box stating LibreOffice could not communicate with Zotero. Please ensure Zotero is open and set to an online state and try again.
  • Display/update problem :
    • Creating a new collection in one of the shared libraries is inefficient : command is accepted but the collection "never" appears.
    • Ditto for a new collection in the local library.
    • However, closing Zotero then reopening it shows the newly created libraries.
    • Adding a reference in the local library new collection (via the Chromium plugin) is apprently inefficient.
    • However, selecting another collection then reselecting the new library shows that the reference has indeed been added.
    • Ditto for the shared library.

Are these problems specific to your repo, or should they be reported directly to Zotero ?

Sincerely yours,

The problem that also appears in the hand-installed one should be reported to Zotero. The binaries in the deb are just the official binaries that my builds download as they are deb-packaged; I don't build the Zotero binaries myself.

If that problem is solved, and then the other problem remains, I can look into that, but given that you also have problems with the hand-install, that might indicate some incompatibility between your system and the Zotero release, and I'd prefer it if that were settled first.

Following suggestions made on the Zotero forum, I disabled BetterBibTeX, whioch restored normal Zotero behaviour. The ball seems on your side (but not on your side of this script !) ;-).

Do you need another issue on the BetterBibtex Github side ?


