
X-plane crashes

Closed this issue · 4 comments


I simply downloaded, compiled and make install xpserver and copied the plugin as per de instructions. Now X-plane crashes.

X-Plane: 10.51 64 bit (also tried 32bit and same result).

Here's the log.txt


Cheers and thank you for your time

Ok, let us trace this. I have not used X-Plane 10 for a while, but I think that we should get the plugin running on XP10 since I have not changed anything on the plugin part for a while.
Can you type for me in the xpserver plugin directory to see if you have unmet dependencies:
ldd lin.xpl

And post the output here. As a next step we'll exchange your plugin and I try to load it in XP11. And if that works, I try to re-install XP10 on my side and try it. Ok?

Hello again,

First off, thank you so much for the quick response.

The output from ldd lin.xpl is: (0x00007ffd67774000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f1e8c64d000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f1e8c487000)
/usr/lib64/ (0x00007f1e8c7db000)

Best regards

Looks sane. Same as on my side. No missing dependencies. Could you pack the content of the dist folder where the plugin resides into a zip and send it to me (reto dot stockli at gmail)? I will then try to load it on xp11. If that works I'll re-install xp10.

One small question: can you confirm that you copied (or linked) the whole xpserver directory into the plugins directory? The xpserver directory should contain the 32, 64 and xpserver.ini files.

Issue fixed, should already be in the last update to the xpserver folder.