
wiringpi is dead -> pigpiod

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Dann nehm ich aber grad die Library und nicht den Daemon. Nutzt du pigpio selbst?


Bei mir hat nur der deamon mit dem dht22 Sensor funktioniert….

der Grappa hat mich wunderbar vernichtet—- hatte ein Ziehen an den Haarspitzen heute :-)

I have coded a small demo with pigpio and it works great. However, the pigpio library needs root access to work with gpio pins. I do not link to libraries from user space which then require a sudo command to operate from user space ...
According to forums there is no way around (not even when chown'ing and giving /dev/mem group write permissions)

Agree - this is a nasty requirement. CPU Usage is wie demanding as well

So CPU usage is a problem with the pigpio deamon? I thought about launching the deamon (as root) and then running the user space module as ... well ... user. CPU usage with the pure library was fine for me.

The deamon is eating up 10% of my raspberry Pi b+

Moved all my wiringPi code to pigpio C interface since wiringPi is not supported any more with the newest Raspian. Quite good performance.

So, sort of solved, except for the need to execute with sudo ...