
Get the formatted time duration

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Check out Neko Of The Abyss for documentation.

Duration follows the performance.now() format, so microseconds and nanoseconds go after the decimal point.


$ npm install --save @retraigo/duration.js # NPM
$ pnpm install @retraigo/duration.js # PNPM


Basic Usage

// Node
import Duration from "@retraigo/duration.js"; 
// Deno
import Duration from "https://deno.land/x/durationjs@v4.0.0/mod.ts"; 

const Duration = await import("@retraigo/duration.js"); // Node with CommonJS

new Duration(); // Get duration since midnight

new Duration(3545346); // A random duration

new Duration(0); // Just 0

new Duration(-1); // Negative duration returns 0 too

Duration since a timestamp

const start = performance.now()
// Do some long task
const d = Duration.since(start)

Duration between two timestamps

const start = performance.now()
// Do some long task
const check = performance.now()
const d = Duration.between(start, check)

From Text

Duration.fromString("1m2s"); // Duration {d:0, h:0, m:1, s:2, ms:0}

Duration.fromString("4090 sec 4939  days 7342  hour 2324milliseconds 4344 min"); // // Duration {d: 5246, h: 13, m: 52, s: 12, ms: 324 }

You can also get the entire Duration in milliseconds through the raw property.

const dur = Duration.fromString(
  "4090 sec 4939  days 7342  hour 2324milliseconds 4344 min"
dur.raw; // 453304332324


Duration {
    raw: 0 // Original milliseconds passed to the constructor
    d: 0, // Days
    h: 0, // Hours
    m: 0, // Minutes
    s: 0, // Seconds
    ms: 0 // Milliseconds
    us: 0 // Microseconds
    ns: 0 // Nanoseconds


const duration = new Duration(59834344.334)

// Duration { raw: 59834344.334, d: 0, h: 16, m: 37, s: 14, ms: 344, us: 334, ns: 0 }
// 0 days, 16 hours, 37 minutes, 14 seconds, 344 milliseconds, 334 microseconds, 0 nanoseconds
// 0d 16h 37m 14s 344ms 334us 0ns
// zero days, sixteen hours, thirty seven minutes, fourteen seconds, 
// three hundred and forty four milliseconds, three hundred and thirty 
// four microseconds, zero nanoseconds
// 00:16:37:14:344:334:000

Changes from V3

  • Duration.prototype.stringify has been removed in favor of:
    • Duration.prototype.toDescriptiveString
    • Duration.prototype.toWordString
    • Duration.prototype.toShortString
    • Duration.prototype.toTimeString
  • addZero has been removed. Use the built-in String.prototype.padStart(n, "0") instead.
  • matchReg has been renamed to matchUnit.


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