
Better user experience and ease of use :D

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This is something important if we want our app to expand :D so here are our first steps towards achieving that.

Improving time input.

  • Add a converter to convert hours into minutes (v1.1.1).
  • Add an input for hours (v1.2).
    These will improve setting the time. They're pretty handy, you don't need any maths skills once you get the above two features working. However, those are trivial.

Improving process input.

  • Provide un-parsed "ps ax" or "tasklist" command outputs (was due for v1.2, now targeted for v1.4).
  • Add presets for certain games (v1.2/v1.3 or v2.0). #deprecated
  • Add a drop-down list of parsed command outputs from "tasklist" or "ps ax" (v2.0).
  • Add process titles via node-process-manager package to make it simple, use it to name processes (v2.1).


  • Add warnings :3 (v1.4 or v2.0)

Even though these are scheduled for later version of decaf, these are more complex, which is the reason. Not only that, but these are IMPORTANT to improve simplicity and usability by the end user. Some can use our app now, but not everyone. These are much needed updates.

I'm vetoing the preset idea because I myself am not a gamer and I don't have any capable hardware to fetch process names. I'm going to try and ease it for others ๐Ÿ‘ as far as possible, but the preset idea won't work.

Woops, forgot this: ac973cb adds the time ideas :D yay! 1.2 will implement these ideas and roll em into a release :DDDD

Okay, the 1.2 release is seriously messed up, so I'm going to keep it as a draft and roll it out when 1.2.1 (now v1.3) comes out at which point we can roll the newer release over. 1.2 is messed up SEVERELY because of #9 and also #8 which have messed up production mode, making the app think it's running in a development environment, opening and loading devTools, and the 2nd one has severely affected build management and has forced me to spam commits to no avail.

setting back unparsed command outputs to v1.3

Added a new one based on a package I found :D

Added one more possible addition ๐Ÿ˜› the misc section ๐Ÿ˜