
Integer divide by zero

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I have tried to Disassemble The Legend of Zelda 1. And got an panic: runtime error: integer divide by zero error

I had download v0.2.1 release source code and compile it and ran it for the .nes file:
sudo ./nesgodisasm/nesgodisasm -a ca65 -o tloz.asm tloz.nes
And got this output:

[ nesgodisasm - NES ROM disassembler ]

2023-07-26 19:19:35  INFO    Build info {"version":"dev built with: go1.20.6"}
2023-07-26 19:19:35  INFO    Processing ROM {"file":"tloz.nes"}
panic: runtime error: integer divide by zero

goroutine 1 [running]:*Disasm).addressToIndex(...)
	tloz_1_decompile/nesgodisasm/internal/disasm.go:261*Disasm).readMemory(0x1012b85?, 0xf9a6?)
	tloz_1_decompile/nesgodisasm/internal/memory.go:18 +0x85*Disasm).readMemoryWord(0xc00010c1b8?, 0xfffa)
	tloz_1_decompile/nesgodisasm/internal/memory.go:28 +0x25*Disasm).initializeIrqHandlers(0xc0016ac000)
	tloz_1_decompile/nesgodisasm/internal/disasm.go:157 +0x3b, 0xc000128070, 0xc000024300)
	tloz_1_decompile/nesgodisasm/internal/disasm.go:103 +0x3f5
main.disasmFile(0xc000054390, 0xc000014300, 0xc000024300)
	tloz_1_decompile/nesgodisasm/main.go:155 +0x305
	tloz_1_decompile/nesgodisasm/main.go:45 +0x125
  • OS: Mac os 12.6.7
  • Version / Commit: 0.2.1 source code

I use this application for the first time, and maybe didn't understand how to use that.

You are using the tool right (beside the sudo - that should never be needed for this tool) but it lacks support for any mapper beside NROM. I will add a warning to the output if the ROM uses any other mapper.

I started the work for adding multi bank support so please check back in the future for an update that should make it work with Zelda (which uses MMC1)!

Thanks for the reply, I'll wait for the next release :)