
Translations can't push to repo

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I added nb_NO and it locked the translation component I added.
If you add "kingu" in I can have a look. :)

Thanks as always @comradekingu !


I got most the way through setting it up then had to go to bed. I will take another look in the next day or two, but please feel free to poke around in th meantime.

Please be aware most strings are hardcoded right now. As soon as weblate is configured I'll go update the app to make it translateable as a matter of priority.


Okay, needed to add the @weblate user to the repo with permission to write. That is now done, and your changes have been brought in. I'll now go start work on finding each string in the game and making it translateable, as well as documenting Weblate to communicate specific strings which are just for a little bit of fun and translators should have fun with translating rather than translating literally. Will also add some screenshots to Weblate.

@pserwylo Thanks for fixing it :) My translation made it in.
I changed the license of the metadata from "GPLv3-only" to "GPLv3-or-later" like the other component.

Great. I've started the progress of extracting strings, a few more than I hoped for, so still some work to do. 52 new strings found and extracted so far, and a few more to go (mostly around explaining edge cases to players when the networking doesn't work as expected - unfortunately they are usually a few sentences, rather than a few words). Once I've plucked the last few out, I'll merge into master which will go to Weblate.

From there, I'll start working to make sure that fonts have available glyphs, and that it picks up the system language as expected.