
Game Proposal: [Pong]

Opened this issue · 3 comments



I know it's very simple, maybe too much for most of you. But it was my first video game that I played and it's important to me!

From Wikipedia:
Pong is a table tennis–themed [twitch]( arcade sports video game, featuring simple two-dimensional graphics, manufactured by Atari and originally released in 1972. It was one of the earliest arcade video games; it was created by [Allan Alcorn]

Links to screenshots / videos / descriptions


Thanks for the suggestion and your interest in our little game here! I agree Pong is one of the absolutely classic "retro game" whenever I think of what it means to be a retro game.

The gameplay itself would work just fine, but I am a little worried about how to deal with the multiplay aspect. Do you have any thoughts on how another player scoring points would "attack" or handicap a Pong player?

Some thoughts are:

  • Your paddle could get smaller, or
  • Your ball could go faster.

However, this has a few differences to other games. Notably, all other games:

  • The handicap is able to be shown in red colour to make it clear that it has come from another player, and this wouldn't work with a smaller paddle or a faster ball.
  • The handicap results in something that can be broken/consumed/destroyed/killed by the player (e.g. aliens in space invaders, asteroids in asteroids, missiles in missile command, lines in tetris, etc).

Does this matter? Maybe, maybe not. It would be nice if we could keep these things consistent across games in some way, but I would love to hear feedback from you and others here.

I could see a red smaller paddle, or red larger opponent paddle, or both for ach handicap, that goes away once a point is scored
