
Missing files in repository?

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi, nice project!

I just cloned the repository, and unfortunately found, that Xcode reports some files missing, see the red ones in the screenshot:
bildschirmfoto 2019-01-12 um 16 10 50
I could imagine those were either not added to git, or the project file has been updated on your side but not committed to git?

b3nav commented

Experienced the same issue - any update on this one?

I made adjustments locally so that it compiles. I think it was mostly removing the "red" file entries from the project. Tests won't work obviously. I can upload as a fork (can't right now)

Hi all, was hoping to play with this framework and ran into the same issue you did. Have you had time to upload the fork, @hannesoid?

Apologies for the delay in addressing this. I've fixed the project file in v0.6.8 and added in PipelineTests.