
Unable to control a client presentation

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I'm trying to get the Multiplex plugin working, and although I followed the instructions in the README I'm not able to control a client presentation from a master presentation when using as the server (or when using my own server).

I am running the master presentation locally via node node_modules/reveal-multiplex - accessed on http://localhost:1948/ - is that correct? In that case, what purpose does npm install node-static && static serve?

My client presentation is deployed on GitHub pages here: and I've opened that url in a different browser.

I am using as the server and generated a token there. In my master presentation the multiplex.secret has the correct value and in the client presentation it is null.

Then, in my master presentation I advance a slide, switch browsers to the client presentation. I expected the slide there to advance too but it's still on the first slide.

Is this not working because is not available? If so, I'd expect to see some kind of error message in the console but there are none.

In addition, the README says that we can see a demo of a reveal.js presentation at but there is not one there. I'm happy to put together a PR to update this in the README, but I first need to solve this issue!

What am I doing wrong? I even set up my own server, by forking your project, creating a new access token and changing the urls in Reveal.initialize to point to that server...and still I can't control a client presentation.

Ok, I got this working now, by putting in console.logs on the glitch app and seeing how the server was handling events. I missed the difference between including master.js on the master presentation and client.js on the client-side.

  // Don't forget to add the dependencies
  dependencies: [
    { src: '', async: true },
    // On the master presentation
    // { src: '', async: true }
    // On the client presentation
    // { src: '', async: true }