
Problem with vendoring

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I tried to update revel/cmd to the latest version just now, and there seems to be a problem when the modules package is situated in the vendor folder. This is what the output says:

Go Compilation Error (in app/tmp/run/run.go:22): must be imported as

And this is the line it complains about:

controllers0 ""

I'm not sure exactly what the problem is, so I don't think I will be able to help with solving it.

I would very much appreciate some feedback here. This is preventing us from upgrading to the latest version. Thank you.

Hi sorry for the delay - holidays and busy time at work. Hmm that go import path looks completely wrong. Where is your app folder with respect to your vendor folder ?

Hi, and thanks for getting back. The vendor folder is actually one level up from the revel root folder. So pretending our revel application is here:

Then the vendor folder is here:

So you think the location of the vendor folder could be a problem? Unfortunately I don't think we can move things around, not easily anyway.

Oh, and just FYI, this worked fine in version 0.20.

Revel now uses go.mod