
Forbidden when access /@jobs on localhost:[::1]:45668 is not local

yashen opened this issue · 4 comments

go version is go1.8 linux/amd64

That is by design, see . If you want to work on a feature to allow remote access (perhaps restricted) this is an area we are looking for enhancements in

Additional thoughts, one thing I have done in the past is to setup a LocalForward in my ssh config file then you can access the jobs page and it will display because it thinks you are local

I am local.
in status.go

	if !strings.HasPrefix(remoteAddress, "") && !strings.HasPrefix(remoteAddress, "::1") {
		return c.Forbidden("%s is not local", remoteAddress)

If my remoteAddress is ::1:45668,it will pass,but now my my remoteAddress is [::1]:45668,
I think perhaps golang's lib changed somewhere

OK, thanks for the details, will schedule to fix bug