
Update Job settings

Opened this issue · 5 comments

  1. When deleting a job, pass a request body containing a DeleteOptions object like this
  2. Reduce the default number of build retries as in the PR linked above as well
  3. Recognize a case when the job status changes to failed w/o being caused by too many retries

Working on this now

Hmm... the k8s API doesn't appear to support DeleteOptions out of the box. I thought I figured out how to pass the body with the delete request, but it doesn't seem to be doing what I'd expect.

The pods created by the jobs don't appear to have an ownerReference set, so I suspect they're not being recognized as dependents.

hhmmm, I didn't have to do anything on the TSS cluster to enable passing DeleteOptions, so that seems weird. I just put them as the body of my DELETE request:

The elixir k8s API is just a bit higher-level so the functions they provide for delete assume there'll be no request body. I manually created a delete operation that had data where the body usually goes, which I would expect to work, but I haven't gotten into the lower level stuff to see if the body is being sent.

I also noticed the ownerReference thing... if you have insight as to whether that matters lemme know.

Ah i see so it's just a problem of the API client included in Bonny not supporting it. That makes sense.