
Do not use latest staticcheck version (or/and support specifying staticcheck version)

haya14busa opened this issue · 0 comments

This is a follow-up to #16.

It's safer to use a fixed staticcheck version and automate updating it with depup instead of installing the latest version.

Optionally, we can also support specifying the staticcheck version as an action input.
Personally, I don't like this option so much because ...

  1. Generally it's good to use the latest version so that users can enjoy the latest improved version of staticcheck.
  2. Most users won't notice and could forget the new version of staticcheck if we put this as an action input. Users can use action-depup to update the staticcheck version input, but probably it's too much work.
  3. It would be hard to maintain the script in this action. Suppose a new staticcheck introduced new flags or breaking changes, it's difficult to update the script if users pass an old version as the input.

Users can still pin the action-staticcheck version to pin staticcheck version or they can manually install staticcheck and reviewdog if they want to stick with an old version.

cc/ @kstiehl @dominikh

@kstiehl, I'd appreciate it if you want to work on this issue but I'll leave it to you :)