
bug: Can Sign Up Unknown Error

Closed this issue · 8 comments

s8rr commented

What happened?

I installed the Revolt Chat using the Docs given. after installation when i try to sign up i got this error.

youve sent pictures of the login screen. Are you attempting to log in or sign up? Please provide more detail, as well as the error returned by the API from the network console.

s8rr commented

In the sign up i get this error.

While debugging the same issue in chrome I get an error:
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but attempted to connect to the insecure WebSocket endpoint 'ws://'. This request has been blocked; this endpoint must be available over WSS.
After some investigation I've found out that the only place setting the incorrect url could be Revolt.toml which by default is initialized with unusable value rather than what comes from .env file which is ignored silently.

I managed to work around via:

  1. Update .env by:
    • Replacing all occurences of :// with s://my.domain
    • In HOSTNAME, however, removing https:// prefix
  2. Create Revolt.toml file with correct app, api, events, autumn and january settings.
  3. Editing docker-compose.yml by adding:
      - ./Revolt.toml:/Revolt.toml

in services.api and sections.

Another prudent thing to do would also be checking if config isn't missing critical values like this (treating as an erroreous) and yielding a warning or even preventing a container from starting.

When enabled https - in source code you have hardcoded http://_custom_doman/api/
For debug - setup https, open dev tools in browser.
Its reason why created new account and other operations impossible.

++ also hardcoded http://_custom_domain/api/auth/account/create

Stale issue, OP has not followed up.

Stale issue, OP has not followed up.

Dead project, issue reported but not fixed, will never use this fork again.