Crackle in Chrome Playback
fearfulsmtry opened this issue · 2 comments
I just noticed that in Chrome, the stream plays with a slight crackle. Is there anything that can be done about this?
Using HTML5 Audio element the stream plays fine, I don't know if it is Web Audio API, but I started using your streamer because it has very low latency.
Hi ! yes there's indeed a little crackle on Chrome. I dont know how to resolve it though. Maybe @chrisguttandin has an idea ?
Hi, sorry for the delay. It might be worth to tweak the latency to see if that results in a better experience.
Unfortunately the value is hardcoded here:
In the long term it might be worth to consider using an AudioWorklet for the audio playback. Streaming the audio could be done by a WebWorker which passes the encoded audio directly to the AudioWorklet without ever interfering with the main thread. That should improve the performance, at least in theory.