
docker build failed

Closed this issue · 7 comments

docker-kong-oidc version:2.6.0-2
when i do cmd:

docker build -t mykong:v1 .


by the way, i do that command in arm computer.

Seems to be a problem local to your machine since it cannot reach

Seems to be a problem local to your machine since it cannot reach

sorry,i cannot agree. my machine can connect, my machine in Mumbai。

Actually, the error explicitly says it times out reading from Probably due to poor connection?

This is not a project bug, rather an issue with your build machine. I imagine you have already tried from other machines.

Actually, the error explicitly says it times out reading from Probably due to poor connection?

This is not a project bug, rather an issue with your build machine. I imagine you have already tried from other machines.

ok,I will try other machine. thank very much for your help

No worries. I also hope you know there are pre-built images already on docker hub so normally you don't need to build them yourself.

No worries. I also hope you know there are pre-built images already on docker hub so normally you don't need to build them yourself.

Ahaha,I need the image support ARM, so the image in dockerhub is no use for me. because it only support X86.
I have to build the image in arm machine by myself. thank dude.