
Algorithm and Data structures practice

Primary LanguageKotlin

🔥 AlgosKt

A set of Algorithms and Data structures question which I'm trying to solve and learn by practicing for better problem solving skills (let's see how it goes 🤞). All problems are solved using Kotlin language.


  • Stack
    • NextLarger
      • Given an array of integers, find the closest (not considering distance, but value) greater on right of every element.
      • Given an array of integers, find the closest (not considering distance, but value) greater on left of every element.
    • NextSmaller
      • Given an array of integers, find the closest (not considering distance, but value) smaller on left of every element.
      • Given an array of integers, find the closest (not considering distance, but value) smaller on right of every element.
    • StockSpanProblem
      • The stock span problem is a financial problem where we have a series of n daily price quotes for a stock and we need to calculate span of stock’s price for all n days


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