
Problem with colour selection

pronkman opened this issue · 1 comments

Maybe I'm missing some setting somewhere but I'm having trouble inputting and saving colour values (Safari 8.0.2).
Everything works fine creating and displaying the reba field but there are a few issues based on my field settings:

  1. When choosing rgba as the output I can enter a value in the input box next to the colour preview swatch as well as choose and preview the colour. On saving the options the colour swatch resets to the default orange-red colour specified in the plugin with "RGBA(,,,R)" displayed in the input field.
  2. When changing the output to hex and opacity everything works fine in terms of selecting, updating and saving the colour but I am unable to manually input a value in the input field (not selectable).
    I am using the rgba field in an options page but I don't think that could be a problem.
    PS Thx for the plugin!

Any update for this issue? I'm having the same problem here!