
Models used within the EU project vCare

Primary LanguageShell


  • The vcare-model contains SCHACL shape definitions that are in particular used for the vCare simulator component.
  • The general structure of the vcare-simulation model consists of simulation descriptions that contain different states of interest of a use case. A use case can be a clinical pathway or other use cases that are considered in the vCare project.
  • Every state is related/defined by conditions. A condition can be a range condition, a boolean condition or a value condition.
  • Moreover, every condition is related to an observation feature. This observation feature shapes define which kind of observation of the environment or of the patient can be made. There are three different kind of observation features:
  • Numerical
  • Nominal (boolean representation)
  • Ordinal (currently not used)
  • A observation feauture is for instance diastolic value, systolic value, heartrate, bodytemperature, or the existence of a disease or patient characteristic (Diabetes, Stroke, Smoker, Pregnant, etc.)
  • A clinical pathway consists of states (e.g. UserHasCKD, UserHasCKDRisk, UserIsInFrontOfTV, etc.) that are related to each other by different kind of activities (e.g. agent activity, physical activity, leisure activity, interaction activity, medical game activity, physician activity, referral activity and regulative activity). Moreover, an activity can have an effect to the vital parameters of a user.
  • Every state is specified by conditions. If these conditions are given, then the patient is in the appropriate state. In a certain state related activities are possible that lead to new states in the clinical pathway.
  • There are also special states that are called target states. A target state is an objective of a clinical pathway, which shall be achieved by following the clinical pathway.

Reasoning and RDF stores

  • Currently, we use GraphDB (see GraphDB Link) from Ontotext.

    • It allows nice graph representations and is also freely available.
    • In order to integrate the schema into GraphDB, you have to install GraphDB and import the following files into GraphDB vcare.shapes.ttl, vcare.ttl and algorithms.shapes.ttl.
  • we need some reasoning to be automatically avaialable within the store

  • at the moment, it is not clear which "regime" is needed

  • Some reasoners:

RDF stores

  • we tried Jena+Fusek inside docker docker run -p 3030:3030 stain/jena-fuseki
  • there are 3 inferencing regimes supported but it requires some special configuration

Existing ontologies and taxonomies