Feature Request: Uploaded file expiry hours/days choice
Closed this issue · 2 comments
I would like a feature that would let you choose how many hours or days the file will expire, similar to what Litterbox has.
Server administrators can use lsd for this. users cannot, i'll work on this
If i do this, server administrator would have to be running a daemon which will delete the files after the time passes. And I don't think this is very minimalist, as lainsafe intends to be.
I'll just add it as a optional feature, like --tor and --i2p in lainsafecli
Been thinking on this issue a bit. This would bloat lainsafe a lot, because you'd have to run a lainsafe daemon so it is running always to delete the files.
Not to mention where to stores the hours in which the file will be deleted, i'd have to use a csv, which means i'd have to use another perl module (or use awk inside perl, which is evil).
I don't think I can work on this unless I make a lainsafe fork.