Feature request: support for extended file attributes
rr- opened this issue · 3 comments
rr- commented
rr-@tornado:~/test_gocryptfs_mountpoint$ touch test_file
rr-@tornado:~/test_gocryptfs_mountpoint$ attr -s key -V value test_file
attr_set: Operation not supported
rr-@tornado:~/test_gocryptfs_mountpoint$ setfattr -n key -v value test_file
setfattr: test_file: Operation not supported
For a good start, these don't even need to be encrypted (as long as it's mentioned in the manpage).
rfjakob commented
Will try to get this done. Should be encrypted from the start, though, to avoid an opportunity for shooting oneself in the foot.
rfjakob commented
You are on Linux?
rfjakob commented
Implemented and merged to master. Both xattr names and values are encrypted.