Crsarmv7l opened this issue · 6 comments
Looking to get started with rfquack. I have an ESP32 and cc1101 on hand and just soldered the headers to the esp32. What I can't seem to find after looking through all the docs and the wiki is the pinout.
and I have my esp32 pinout (on the board). What needs to be connected? I understand assigning the pins in the build env.
@Crsarmv7l good point. You need to have the radio (CC1101) correctly connected to the SPI bus of the MCU (ESP32). So, at the bare minimum, you need this:
- Vcc
SPI common wires
- MOSI to the MCU pin marked as "MOSI"
- MISO to the MCU pin marked as "MISO"
- CLK to the MCU pin marked as "CLK"
SPI channel select
- CSn connected to a clear MCU pin (i.e., not used by anything else)
Interrupts (at least one)
- GDO0 to an interruptible MCU pin
- GDO2 to another interruptible MCU pin
You'll find pinouts (which are specific to your board) by googling for (example) "Feather HUZZAH32 pinout" (relevant result).
Feel free to contribute back into the documentation with what you think may be useful to other users!
While I am working on this I do have a question regarding the build env. In certain lines there are multiple definitions of RadioA_RST, they are * in the below code. I assume this is an oversight and they should be for RadioB given two of them are under RADIOB?
# These settings are not guaranteed to work: they're only for CI/CD purposes
Also CS and IRQ correspond to which pins? The GDOs and CSn?
Ah yep looks like GDO = IRQ
The question though does CSn connect to CS or an unused pin? My ESP32 has a CS/SS pin.
Yes, you can use the CS pin if your board comes with one.
Yes, that was an oversight.
I believe I have my pinout correct, and I have flashed my board, however the rfq command is not found. Some further digging and it appears to be in the docker image.
I think at this point I am going to step back from attempting to get this going. I will circle back in a few months.