Unable to set modulation on EVRFv2
bazuchan opened this issue · 5 comments
I'm using RFQuack on EvilCrowRFv2 with mqtt transport. I can set some options for CC1101 radio (freq, rate, bandwith) just fine, but I can't set modulation.
RFQuack(RFQuackShell,> q.radioA.set_modem_config(modulation="OOK")
result = -1
message = 0 changes applied and 1 failed.
Debug log on device
[RFQK] 58500337 T: Got command for moduleName: radioA, verb: set, argsLen: 2, messageLen 2
[RFQK] 58500338 E: Unable to set modulation
[RFQK] 58500339 T: Transport is sending 44 bytes on topic rfq1/out/set/radioA/rfquack_CmdReply/set_modem_config
My hardware config is joelsernamoreno/EvilCrowRF-V2#18
@bazuchan can you please try to enable (really) verbose debug output in RadioLib here? https://github.com/jgromes/RadioLib/blob/master/src/BuildOpt.h#L924
Of course you should do that before running any build command and ensuring that a fresh copy of RadioLib is not getting fetched, or it'd overwrite your changes.
Looks like no data is sent to radio when trying to set modulation.
RFQuack(RFQuackShell,> q.radioA.set_modem_config(bitRate=10)
result = 0
message = 1 changes applied and 0 failed.
RFQuack(RFQuackShell,> q.radioA.set_modem_config(modulation="OOK")
result = -1
message = 0 changes applied and 1 failed.
baz@butterfly:~/RFQuack$ make console | grep -vP '^R\t7\tE'
pio device monitor
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--- Available filters and text transformations: colorize, debug, default, direct, esp32_exception_decoder, hexlify, log2file, nocontrol, printable, send_on_enter, time
--- More details at https://bit.ly/pio-monitor-filters
--- Quit: Ctrl+C | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H
[RFQK] 63561 T: Got command for moduleName: radioA, verb: set, argsLen: 2, messageLen 5
R 10 A8
W 10 A8
R 10 A8
R 11 93
W 11 93
R 11 93
[RFQK] 63573 T: Transport is sending 35 bytes on topic rfq1/out/set/radioA/rfquack_CmdReply/set_modem_config
[RFQK] 65918 T: Got command for moduleName: radioA, verb: set, argsLen: 2, messageLen 2
[RFQK] 65919 E: Unable to set modulation
[RFQK] 65920 T: Transport is sending 44 bytes on topic rfq1/out/set/radioA/rfquack_CmdReply/set_modem_config
Likely, something is going sideways here:
Line 168 in 3a493da
Maybe you can play around and add some extra debug messages to see what branch actually fails.
Found it. I'm using https://github.com/rfquack/RFQuack-cli and it looks like deprecated and has other values in protobuf.
But I got it from installation instructions here https://github.com/rfquack/RFQuack/tree/master/client