
Klout API wrapper.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple wrapper for the Klout API. Users is an array. The constructor supports passing XML, but I haven't implemented that yet. Like the API, users is always an array.

To run the tests, edit ./test/test.js, replacing YOUR_KEY with your application's API key, then:

node test/test

Version v2

In order to use the v2 API, instantiate a new instance of node_klout like so:

var Klout = require("node_klout"),
	klout = new Klout("YOUR_V2_KEY", "json", "v2");


var Klout = require("node_klout"),
	klout = new Klout().setKey("YOUR_V2_KEY").setVersion("v2");

Node_klout supports the retrieval of a user's Klout identifier by Twitter screen name or numeric identifier.

klout.getKloutIdentity(twitter_screen_name_or_identifier, function(error, klout_user) {

The returned klout_user variable is an object as documented by the Klout API v2 docs:

	"id": "123456789",
	"network": "ks"

The following methods are supported, where klout_response is an object as documented by the Klout API v2 docs:

klout_v2.getUser(klout_id, function(error, klout_response) {
	// Returns a user object

klout_v2.getUserScore(klout_id, function(error, klout_response) {
	// Returns a user's score object

klout_v2.getUserTopics(klout_id, function(error, klout_response) {
	// Returns an array of user topics

klout_v2.getUserInfluence(klout_id, function(error, klout_response) {
	// Returns a user's influence object

klout_v2.getUserNetworkHandle(klout_id, function(error, klout_response) {
	// Returns a user's network (Twitter) identifier

Version 1

All methods are supported:

var Klout = require("node_klout"),
	klout = new Klout("YOUR_KEY");

klout.getKlout("_cojohn", function(error, users) {

klout.getSingleKlout("_cojohn", function(error, score) {

klout.getShow("_cojohn", function(error, users) {
klout.getTopics("_cojohn", function(error, users) {

klout.getInfluencedBy("_cojohn", function(error, users) {

klout.getInfluencerOf("_cojohn", function(error, users) {