
Was id_map.py generated with AI?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

It kinda looks like something out of GitHub copilot, and also i found this in the code, which doesn't work in python:

def add_face(self, face_line):
    brush_plane_re = re.compile('\(\s([\s|\d|\-|.]+)\s\)\s'                  # point 1
                                                '\(\s([\s|\d|\-|.]+)\s\)\s'  # point 2
                                                '\(\s([\s|\d|\-|.]+)\s\)\s'  # point 3
                                                '([\w|/|\d]+)\s'             # texture name
                                                '([\d|\s|.|\-]+)')           # texture params
    match = brush_plane_re.match(face_line)


Please correct me if this indeed valid python 3 code :D

This code was written back in 2015 (check the commit logs) before any of today's AI existed. Yes, this is valid (python 2?) code and I assume in modern python the multi-string combination doesn't work / had been removed from the standard (this is a holdover from C). The regular expression is straightforward, it parses each point, texture, and params based on the different possibilities for them. It is just a condensed expression. You can probably make it work by combining all the strings into one if that is what is actually wrong here but I don't know since you haven't posted your error.

My bad! I'm sorry for not researching this more thourougly! I tried matching the regexps but some of them didnt give results, but i'm sure it's gonna help if i install the right python version and try again :D Thanks for getting back and giving your code to open source <3