=== Block Widgets Monster === Contributors: rgblab Donate link: https://www.paypal.me/rgblab/ Tags: widget, theme development, debug, woocommerce widget bundle, monster widget, woocommerce monster widget, widget, widget bundle Requires at least: 5.8 Tested up to: 6.3 Requires PHP: 5.6 Stable tag: 1.0.4 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Quick and easy testing of multiple WordPress and/or WooCommerce block/legacy widgets. Not intended for production use. == Description == Block Widgets Monster is a free WordPress plugin that will allow you to test multiple WordPress and/or WooCommerce block/legacy widgets with ease. Here is a list of supported widgets. WordPress legacy widgets: - Archives (2 instances - list and dropdown) - Calendar - Categories (2 instances - list and dropdown) - Pages - Meta - Nav menu - Recent comments - Recent posts - RSS - Search - Text (with content for theme unit test) - Tag cloud WordPress block widgets: - Archives (2 instances - list and dropdown) - Calendar - Categories (2 instances - list and dropdown) - Latest comments (2 instances - list with/without avatar) - Latest posts (2 instances - list with/without image) - Login/out (2 instances - link and form) - Page list - RSS - Social icons - Search (5 instances - button inside/outside, button with icon/text and only text field) - Tag cloud WooCommerce legacy widgets: - Cart - Product search - Layered nav filter - Layered nav (2 instances - list and multiselect dropdown) - Price filter - Product categories (2 instances - list and dropdown) - Product tag cloud - All products (3 instances - all, featured and on sale) - Recent reviews - Recently viewed products - Top rated products WooCommerce block widgets: - All reviews - Featured category - Featured product - Hand picked products - Best selling products - Product categories (3 instances - list with/without image and dropdown) - Products by category - Newest products - On sale products - Products by attribute - Top rated products - Product search (5 instances - button inside/outside, button with icon/text and only text field) - Products by tag - Filter products by price (2 instances - editable and regular price values) - Filter products by stock - Mini cart You can check out Block Widgets Monster plugin in action [here](http://demo.rgblab.net/block-widgets-monster). Need help? Have feature request? Visit [support thread](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/block-widgets-monster). Please consider donating even a small sum via [PayPal](https://www.paypal.me/rgblab). == Installation == Install the Block Widgets Monster plugin as any other WordPress plugin. More info can be found in official WordPress step by step guide [here](https://wordpress.org/support/article/managing-plugins/#installing-plugins). == Frequently Asked Questions == = I need demo content = You can use official [theme unit test](https://github.com/WPTT/theme-test-data) data XML file for WordPress, and sample data XML file for WooCommerce (shipped with the WooCommerce plugin in sample-data folder). == Screenshots == 1. Block Widgets Monster options == Changelog == = 1.0.4 (6. April 2023) = * Improved plugins interface = 1.0.3 (9. February 2023) = * Improved WooCommerce product search and price filter block widgets = 1.0.2 (13. July 2022) = * Added filter products by price, filter products by stock and mini cart widges in WooCommerce blocks list = 1.0.1 (16. October 2021) = * Added all reviews widget in WooCommerce blocks list = 1.0.0 (13. October 2021) = * Initial release == Upgrade Notice == Best practice is to always use latest plugin version.