Arel::Visitors::UnsupportedVisitError: Unsupported argument type: RGeo::Geographic::SphericalPointImpl. Construct an Arel node instead.
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msanfilippof commented
Hello, I have the following problem:
Arel::Visitors::UnsupportedVisitError: Unsupported argument type: RGeo::Geographic::SphericalPointImpl. Construct an Arel node instead.
lo = c.lonlat.lon.to_i
la =
query = 'ST_Distance(ST_GeographyFromText("POINT(? ?)"), ?)', lo, la, c.lonlat
distance =
Rails applicaton with postgis adapter, lonlat
is t.st_point :lonlat, geographic: true
and in the schema.rb I got t.geography "lonlat", limit: {:srid=>4326, :type=>"st_point", :geographic=>true}
Where's the problem? Thanks