
Set CRS Value for GeoJSON Object

MichaelCPell opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm not sure if this functionality exists. If it doesn't, then QGIS, etc.. will default to WGS84. Should I make a pull request with this functionality added? Or am I missing something?

I wonder the same thing...

I'd like to get something like this for a FeatureCollection (notice the crs attribute)

      type: "FeatureCollection",
      crs: { type: "name", properties: { name: "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" }},
      features: [{
        type: "Feature",

This is not part of GeoJSON spec anymore (see rfc 7946 (page 12)). I don't know how QGIS handle that now, do you? @MichaelCPell is it still a concern of yours?

I'm marking that one as feature but I think we should first dig into the need before implementing anything!