Decode returns empty geometry collection for non-empty geojson
Jeehut opened this issue ยท 8 comments
When decoding the geojson from this OpenStreetMap region with the following code I receive an empty collection although there's a lot of data:
RGeo::GeoJSON.decode(geojson_string, json_parser: :json)
=> #<RGeo::Geos::CAPIGeometryCollectionImpl:0x3febdfd71198 "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY">
Would be great to see this fixed!
Would be cool to have this fixed
Just fixed this on the usage side by defining a geo_factory like this:
geo_factory = RGeo::Cartesian.simple_factory(srid: 4326)
RGeo::GeoJSON.decode(geojson_string, geo_factory: geo_factory, json_parser: :json)
=> #<RGeo::Cartesian::GeometryCollectionImpl:0x3fc223fdb428 "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (MULTIPOLYGON (((9.4834096 48.7080301, 9.4834569 48.7079371, ...
Well, this didn't really solve the problem. I still can't convert the cartesian factory version to a Geos factory which I need though in order to use methods like contains?
. Here's a rspec test case where I can reproduce the problem:
it "reproduces the issue for fetching data via GeoJSON" do
geojson_data = HTTP.get("¶ms=0.010000-0.005000-0.005000").to_s.strip
geo_factory = ::RGeo::Cartesian.preferred_factory(srid: 4326)
geom_collection = RGeo::GeoJSON.decode(geojson_data, geo_factory: geo_factory, json_parser: :json)
germany = geom_collection.first
%w(62518 191645).map do |osm_id| # Karlsruhe, Dresden
geojson_data = HTTP.get("{osm_id}¶ms=0").to_s.strip
geom_collection = RGeo::GeoJSON.decode(geojson_data, geo_factory: geo_factory, json_parser: :json)
expect(geom_collection.is_empty?).to be false
Note that this test includes two regions, one of them (Karlsruhe) working just fine and the other (Dresden) failing. I don't know what the issue is, but it would be great if this could be fixed.
My guess is that too big GeoJSON data (like Dresden with >5k points) could to be the problem.
@Dschee I ran into this same problem using data from Airbnb, and solved it like so:
geo_factory = RGeo::Cartesian.simple_factory(uses_lenient_assertions: true)
feature_collection = RGeo::GeoJSON.decode(data, json_parser: :json, geo_factory: geo_factory)
I have some areas like Chelsea, NY which don't satisfy the validations that rgeo is performing in
I'm not actually sure what the end impact of disabling assertions but seems rgeo is overly strict.
The RGeo::Cartesian::Factory
hides all exceptions interestingly
@superslau Thank you for sharing your solution. I will consider adding it as a fallback option โ broken data should be still better than no data at all. ;)
@Jeehut thanks for the clear and reproducible test ! However, it looks like I'm too late to the party, and now the polygons work.
And it seems like indeed @superslau's solution is the way to go, for now. I'm closing this PR in favor
of #33, because they look like the same issue ! If not, please open a new PR