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I'm in my project To take a picture https://reactnativecode.com/select-pick-image-capture-camera-gallery-react-native/ And the calendar of https://yarnpkg.com/en/package/react-native-persian-calendar-picker I use How can I save a picture with asyncstorage every day??? In fact, every day of the week the user chooses to take a specific photo or view

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چطور می تونم با asyncstorage در هر روز مشخص یه عکس ذخیره کنم
در واقع هر روز هفته که کاربر انتخاب کرد یه عکس مشخص سیو کنه و یا ببینه
و مثلا اطلاعات روز 6مرداد با 5مرداد متفاوت باشه
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@bawhari This is not a place for such questions and I don't really understand your questions. If you are talking about taking screenshots, Have you considered running screenshot function when onDateChange is being called.