
No files shown (Ctrl+O)

thorstenkampe opened this issue · 4 comments

Textredux latest git version
Textadept latest nightly (also 7.0 and 7.1)
Windows 8.1 64-bit

Textredux doesn't show any files on Ctrl-O. Traversing the file system with backspace does work but shows always 0/0 items:

\C:\Users\thorsten - Textadept (\C:\Users\thorsten)
1 \C:\Users\thorsten : 0/0 items

Thanks for the report, I've committed a workaround. Does this work for you?

Yes, it does, thanks. The colorscheme (Ctrl-O) is pretty much unreadable (basically inverted black on white) in textadept-curses. Can that be changed?

Hm, it looks okay for me in the default Windows 7 console. In general, the colors are very tweakable. Textredux tries to use Textadept's theme color to blend with the theme, so I'm not sure whether this is an issue of Textadept or Textredux.

Thinking about it, maybe you're not setting your GUI theme with

if not CURSES then

Otherwise the GUI theme destroys the default Terminal theme …

Found the reason: "require 'textredux.hijack'" instead of
events.connect(events.INITIALIZED, function()
require 'textredux.hijack'