
calgo is a tool to plan your day/week

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



$ calgo init
paste you google token: ******************************************************
✔ verified

$ calgo plan # plan today, like a boss

dd/mm/yy, today, 4 meetings, 4 hours overall
- 09:00-09:45 mtg1
- 10:45-11:30 mtg2
- 12:00-13:00 mtg3
- 15:00-16:00 mtg3

$ calgo plan --focus-time 5 --meetings 2 --tasks 1 --break 1
dd/mm/yy, today, 0 meetings
[focus time] duration(minutes) for each interval?(45): 50
[focus time] optional event name?(focus time): create calgo
✔ done

[meeting 1] event name? discuss new requirements
[meeting 1] duration?(50m):
[meeting 1] attendents (tab to autocomplete, enter twice to done):
rgo(tab) - rgolan@redhat.com

✔ [meeting 1] scheduled to 14:00-14:50 as all attendents are available

[meeting 2] event name? discuss new requirements
[meeting 2] duration?(50m):
[meeting 2] attendents (tab to autocomplete, enter twice to done):
rgo(tab) - rgolan@redhat.com

✔ meeting 2] scheduled to 15:00-15:50 as all attendents are available


$ calgo [DAY EXPRESSION]/[RANGE EXPRESSION] # daily view

$ calgo 1 # show meetings on Sunday
$ calgo th # show meetings on Thursday
$ calgo 1-3 # show meetings from Sunday-Tuesday
$ calgo w-f # show meetings from Wednesday-Friday

$ calgo +1 # show meetings tomorrow
DAY EXPRESSION - [1-7]: day of this week, 1 for Sunday and so on
               - [s]unday, [m]onday, [t]uesday, [w]ednesday, [th]ursday, [f]riday, [sa]turday
			   - (+/-)n : i.e +1 is tomorrow, -1 is yesterday



$ calgo plan [DAY EXPRESSION]/[RANGE EXPRESSION] # plan like a boss