
how to use Ilaro.Admin??????

rexi1r opened this issue · 3 comments

please describe how to use?
i create empty asp.net mvc application and install llaro with nuget command but after that i dont know ,what should i do.
please explain step by step.thanks.


Most of info about how to start with Ilaro.Admin is currently outdated. I'm working on documentation right now.

The nuget packages are also outdated. Best method to start right now is to download source code and run build script to get dll's, and use them in your project.

Then you can look at sample project and see how to configure Ilaro.Admin.

I'll update you when I'm finish the documentation.

Hi @rgonek I also tried to use your very promising admin panel. I cloned the repo, opened the solution in Visual Studio 2015 and I could build it. I tried to "view in browser" the sample page (Control+Shift+W). It opened the login view in IIS Express. I logged in with admin/admin, then there was a white page: no dashboard shown.

In the repo readme you wrote to do three things. The Ilaro.Admin.Sample seems to have all the setup done except the step nr 2, to add entities.

the Add() method doesn't exist, so I believe this it must be replaced with Register() in your documentation?

Still, even if I add all of them, like this, after or before Core.Admin.Initialise in the global.asax.cs file:


It doesn't seem to make a difference. The admin panel is still white (page source code: empty).

The prefix in the sample is "admin", so it doesn't default to "ilaroadmin", can this be an issue as the Areas in the sample page contain a folder called "ilaroadmin" (which should be "admin" if I want to use the "admin" prefix?)

I know that you are busy, but please if you can just add a comment here to make the sample website work, that would be awesome. Then I can update the documentation, add the code and push it in your repo, so it's available for everybody.

Also question, should I create an empty database or IlaroAdmin is supposed to create DB and tables automatically based on the connection string settings?

Thanks and best regards