
Let :Other accept file path as an argument

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Sometimes you do not want to map a pattern for maybe a single file, and you just want to teach :Other that the following file is the 'other' file that I always want you to open.

At the moment passing anything other than the context to :Other returns No 'other' file found

Would be nice to be able to do the following :Other my/new/file/path.rb and the plugin will store that as the 'other' file for this current file. Now the next time I will just need to type :Other and it'll open my/new/file/path.rb

Thank you for the work on this plugin!

If you show me how to contribute, I might be able to give this a try if it's a feature you'd want to support

rgroli commented

Hey @kaka-ruto!

I really like your idea and I'm totally onboard with integrating it. The only thing I'm not quite sure about is the syntax ':Other ' you mentioned. But don't worry, I'll figure out a way to make it work.

And you're absolutely right about #27. I totally need to write up the requirements to help the devs get started. I'm actually in the middle of updating and streamlining the readme, so I'll add a section specifically addressing this. I'll be sure to keep you in the loop with any updates.

Thanks for sharing your ideas, much appreciated!