
Keep default openCommand when invoking `OtherSplit` et al. and selecting in picker

Closed this issue · 2 comments

b0o commented

If I run OtherSplit and the picker shows up, it would be nice to be able to press <Cr> and open in a vsplit rather than in the current window. This doesn't seem possible currently, so I need to consciously remember to hit s to open in a split, which I usually forget to do.

Perhaps a new open_file_default action could be added which would use whatever openCommand Other was invoked with:

  keybindings = {
    ['<Cr>'] = 'open_file_default()',
    o = 'open_file()',
    t = 'open_file_tabnew()',
    v = 'open_file_vs()',
    s = 'open_file_sp()',

@b0o Also great find 😄 It should just work now. Thank you!

b0o commented

Awesome, thanks for fixing all of these!